

 Careful consideration to ways of reducing the spread of the COVID-19 virus have been introduced to your shopping experience.

Please observe the SOCIAL DISTANCING MEASURES suggested by Health authorities. This requires shoppers to allow 1.5 metres of distance between each other where practical. We have marked out some guidlines in shop for your observation.
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We are asking customers to please wait OUTSIDE THE SHOP to allow staff to invite you in to purchase your goods. This will ensure NO RISK of customers potentially picking up or spreading the serious virus from the handle of the doorway. You will also exit the shop in the same fashion with staff assisting you to make your NO RISK departure. 

In addition we will NOT be excepting CASH PAYMENT, Credit Card with Paywave option excepted ONLY..

Please do not head to the shops if you are unwell, respect other shoppers by either shopping online or asking someone to collect your goods on your behalf.

We thank everyone for their understanding and support in these difficult times. Online Orders FAQ